Study confirms: German companies suffer an annual loss of over six billion euros due to white-collar crime. Private investigation group supports affected firms.
Recently publicised figures confirm the shocking increase in economic crime. “A big problem is that many companies view investing more money in pursuing the perpetrator and their loot as senseless. Through this they are giving imitation culprits the impression that a skilfully planned crime could pay off,” explained Gottfried Hickel, a specialist solicitor from the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz. Almost one in two of all German companies is a victim of economic criminals, according to a publicised study of the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
The Detective Condor / Detective Astor International GmbH company group, one of the most renowned detective agencies in the German and international landscape, is increasingly engaged with the theme of economic crime and evidently, it isn’t just a national problem, but a global one.
As a spokesperson for the company group disclosed, a specifically trained investigation group has been formed, in which detectives with special skills pursue possible cases of theft within Germany and internationally alongside a network of cooperating international detective agencies. The areas of expertise for the individual detectives in the investigation group stem from years of experience combined with constant training courses and further education, made compulsory for employees of the Condor / Astor company group years ago. After you can look back over 40 years of successful work and see that there has always been a close-knit cooperation with the state investigating authorities, the police and the public prosecutor’s office.
Years ago, the research from the investigation group combined with an international theft case led to the first contact with a lawyer and representative of the lawyer network fraudNet. Already in 2004, 37 lawyers from 34 different countries grouped together in this association under the roof of the intentional chambers of commerce (ICC) in Paris, to proceed in coordinating against fraud and corruption.
fraudNet: In order to fight white-collar crime, the international chambers of commerce in Paris founded the Commercial Crime Services 27 years ago. Under their leadership fraudNet was established in 2004 to give victims of worldwide cases of theft access to leading lawyers. Meanwhile, the organisation consists of 58 lawyers in 53 countries, many of these in so-called offshore locations. The members don’t form a worldwide law firm, rather they work independently in their respective countries. Candidates are only registered if they can offer considerable experience with cases of fraud to an international extent.
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